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7 Things Your Dog Should Be More Thankful For

November 15, 2021

With Thanksgiving coming up, we’re seeing lots of reminders about the importance of gratitude. We’re definitely thankful for our canine companions! As for Fido, he certainly is appreciative of the love and care we give him. However, there are a few things he could probably appreciate a bit more than he does. A Fort Myers, FL vet lists some of them below.


We love it when our patients have fenced yards to run and play in. This is a great way to let Fido enjoy some fresh air and sunshine without compromising his safety. However, given the option, your pooch would probably take those barriers down.


Fido seems to enjoy feeling soft and clean, just as people do after going to a salon. However, he’s definitely much less enthusiastic about the process that gets him there.

Nail Trims

Long nails can be pretty painful for dogs. Your canine buddy may shift his gait to compensate, which strains his bones and joints. He may also have a hard time getting traction. That can lead to slips and falls. Pawdicures definitely benefit your furry friend, but they’re still not one of his favorite things.


Man’s Best Friend really isn’t a big fan of being leashed. That piece of material keeps him away from cats, squirrels, and generally stops him from being able to enjoy all of the doggy shenanigans he would otherwise take part in. Sorry, buddy!


Your canine pal will both look and feel better with regular care. However, given the option, he’d probably cancel his appointment.

Microchips and ID Tags

Fido may not even realize that he has a microchip, and he probably thinks his ID tags are just annoying bits of jewelry. However, these tiny items may one day save his life!

The Internet

The internet definitely has its downsides, but it has helped pets in many ways. Not only can you easily order food, medicine, and toys for your pup, you also have a lot of resources for information on caring for him, such as this blog. In fact, many of our patients were adopted through online searches. Even so, Fido probably won’t be very impressed by your computer skills.

All of us here at Small Animal Hospital, your local Fort Myers, FL pet clinic, want to wish you a wonderful holiday. Call us anytime!

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