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How to Clean a Hamster Cage

November 1, 2018

Do you have a pet hamster? These little guys make very cute and charming pets! Hammie is pretty easy to care for. One thing that is very important is making sure that your tiny pet has a clean, comfortable cage. Read on as a Fort Myers, FL vet discusses cleaning a hamster cage.


You’ll need to grab some cleaning supplies. A washcloth or hand towel will come in handy for washing the cage. You’ll also need a disinfectant. You can find cleaning solutions in pet stores. Or, you can use dish soap or a mild hand soap. Don’t use harsh chemicals for daily or weekly cleanings, as these can be dangerous for pets. Make sure you have some new bedding as well!

Daily Cleaning

Every day, you’ll need to remove any uneaten food and your pet’s waste. You’ll also need to provide Hammie with freshwater. Take a close look at Hammie’s bedding as you do this. You may find damp spots beneath his water bottle. Remove these wet spots, as well as areas with droppings.


If the cage smells, or if a lot of your hamster’s bedding is soiled, you’ll need to clean the whole cage and change the bedding out. It’s also important to note that hamsters have a habit of stashing bits of food away, and then begging for more. Replacing the bedding regularly will help you ensure that there isn’t hidden food rotting in Hammie’s cage.

Moving Hammie

Before you clean Hammie’s cage, you’ll want to put him in a safe location. If your miniature furball enjoys rolling around in an exercise ball, this is a great time to let him get his workout in. Just keep an eye on the little guy, and make sure he stays safe. Don’t let him roll down any stairs!

Deep Cleaning

Every now and then, you’ll need to deep clean your pint-sized pet’s habitat. For these deep cleanings, you can use vinegar or bleach. However, you’ll need to rinse everything thoroughly. Make sure that everything is completely dry before you put the bedding, accessories, and, of course, your hamster, back in.


This is a great time to give your little buddy a new toy or a special treat! Ask your vet for specific recommendations.

Our Advice on How to Clean a Hamster Cage in 2024

What cleaning supplies are necessary for maintaining a hamster cage?

Maintaining a hamster cage requires a few essential cleaning supplies. A washcloth or hand towel is useful for wiping down the cage. For disinfecting, pet-safe cleaning solutions are recommended and available at pet stores. Alternatively, mild dish soap or hand soap can be used, but harsh chemicals should be avoided as they can harm the hamster. It’s also essential to have fresh bedding ready for replacement after cleaning. Ensuring the use of safe, non-toxic cleaning agents and regular bedding changes is crucial for the health and comfort of the hamster.

How do you know when to change the bedding in a hamster cage?

Knowing when to change the bedding in a hamster cage is crucial for the pet’s health and hygiene. The bedding should be changed when it smells or if a significant portion becomes soiled. Daily spot checks are essential; look for damp spots, especially under the water bottle, and areas with droppings. Hamsters also tend to stash food, so it’s vital to check for hidden food that may be rotting. Regular bedding changes, ideally once a week or more frequently if needed, ensure a clean and healthy environment for the hamster.

What should you do with your hamster during cage cleaning?

During cage cleaning, ensuring the hamster is safely contained in a secure and comfortable environment is essential. A common practice is to place the hamster in an exercise ball, allowing it to roam safely within a controlled area. However, it is necessary to closely monitor the hamster during this time to prevent accidents like rolling down stairs. Alternatively, the hamster can be placed in a separate, secure container with adequate ventilation. This ensures the pet’s safety while its habitat is thoroughly cleaned and refreshed.

How often should a hamster cage undergo a deep cleaning, and what products are safe to use?

A hamster cage should undergo a deep cleaning approximately once a month to ensure a healthy and sanitary environment. A mild solution of vinegar diluted with water is effective and safe for deep cleaning. To remove any residue, it’s essential to thoroughly rinse the cage and all accessories with water after using any cleaning product. In cases where more robust disinfection is needed, a mild bleach solution can be utilized, followed by extensive rinsing and airing out to ensure no fumes or residue remains. Ensure the cage is completely dry before reintroducing the hamster and its bedding.

What steps ensure a hamster cage is safe after using vinegar or bleach for cleaning?

After using vinegar or bleach to clean a hamster cage, ensuring safety involves several key steps. Firstly, rinse the cage thoroughly with water to remove all traces of cleaning agents. This step may need to be repeated multiple times. Secondly, allowing the cage to air dry completely is essential, ensuring no moisture is left that could harbor bacteria or harm the hamster. Finally, check for solid odors; the cage should be odor-free before returning the hamster. These steps help prevent residual chemicals or fumes from affecting the hamster’s health.

Do you have questions about hamster care? Contact us, your local Fort Myers, FL vet clinic, anytime!

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