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Halloween Safety For Kittens

October 15, 2021

Halloween is just around the corner! This can be a pretty dangerous time of year for our feline friends. You’ll need to take some precautions to keep Fluffy safe and purring when the Great Pumpkin arrives. If you have a kitten, you’ll want to be extra vigilant. Baby cats are very fragile, and they can easily get into mischief! A Fort Myers, FL vet offers some safety tips for tiny furballs in this article.


If there’s one thing kittens are good at, it’s getting into things they shouldn’t. Many Halloween decorations are dangerous to little Fluffy. Anything with ropes or cords could entangle your cute pet, while items with small or sharp parts could choke her. Candles are also a risk. Keep them in high spots your feline pal can’t reach.


We know, cats are cute in costumes, but many of them get very scared and uncomfortable in clothes. It’s best to leave the dressing up to the humans.


If you’re hosting a Halloween event, you’ll want to keep your kitten safely out of the way. It’s much too easy for baby cats to get stepped on, or slip out an open door! The costumes and commotion may also frighten your furry buddy. Put little Fluffy in a quiet back room with food, toys, treats, and, of course, a litterbox. Turn a TV or radio on for her, and let her sleep through the festivities.


Be sure to keep that candy bowl out of paws’ reach! Many of those sweet treats contain chocolate, which is toxic to kitties. Grapes, raisins, and many nuts are also unsafe for little Fluffy, as is anything that contains xylitol. The wrappers are also dangerous, as they present choking hazards.

Outdoor Hazards

This is a big one. Keep your fuzzy pal safe and sound indoors! Weather, traffic, wild animals, and chemicals all pose big risks to your pint-sized panther. Your kitty will be safer and healthier indoors!


Our drowsy feline buddies love seeking out warm spots to sleep in. This is of course adorable, but it can be dangerous. Your furball could climb into a warm dryer, or snuggle up beneath a recliner that’s near a heating vent. Keep close tabs on little Fluffy!

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local Fort Myers, FL animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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