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Parrot Socialization

July 1, 2023

Parrots are fun, vibrant birds that can definitely add a lot of love, laughter, and color to our lives. Many of them are quite friendly. Wild parrots live in large flocks, and have lots of friends. Although many of our feathered pals enjoy having roommates, we know this isn’t always an option. If you only have one parrot, you’ll need to take extra care not to let her get bored or lonely. An Edison Park, FL vet offers some tips on this below.

Quality Time

Try to hang out with Polly every day, for at least a half hour. Just let your feathered buddy keep you company as you’re reading, watching TV, or talking on the phone.

Public Outings

You can take Polly on walks or hikes, or bring her to parks. Of course, you’ll need to be careful that she won’t fly off. (Birds can be trained to fly and return, but we’ll save that topic for another blog.) For now, use a bird harness or bubble-style backpack carrier. It’s also important to choose the right place. Opt for quiet, out-of-the-way spots, like small parks. Of course, some birds will get uneasy if they are taken out of their homes. If you see any signs of distress, call it a day and take your pet home.

Bird Buddies

Bird clubs are another option. There are both pros and cons to introducing Polly to other birds. It can be great for your winged pal to make a few friends. However, there is a potential for diseases, such as avian ganglioneuritis, which is extremely contagious. Ask your vet for specific advice on this.

Online Socialization

Believe it or not, our colorful friends are also going online to meet friends. A recent experiment studied several parrots as they interacted with other birds online, via Zoom. The results were predictably adorable. Many birds formed close friendships, and a few became attached to their friends’ humans. Polly not only learned how to call her best buddies, she also showed them her favorite toys and even sang and danced for them. Some birds even picked up new skills, such as imitating new sounds. Try calling friends or family members who have birds. Just end the call if your winged buddy seems at all uneasy.

Do you have questions about your bird’s health or care? Contact us, your Edison Park, FL veterinary clinic, today!

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